Get everything you need in flooring in luxury vinyl

Everyone wants the best possible floor covering when they begin their floor-shopping adventure and for many, that choice is luxury vinyl. But at the same time, every homeowner has their own list, whether written or unwritten, that has a specific set of conditions and preferences for their own flooring. Yours may not look exactly like your neighbors, just as it should be. This one product, however, covers so very many needs; it becomes a perfect material for many homes and businesses across the country. The first thing you’ll notice about luxury vinyl planks and tiles is that they are absolutely gorgeous. From a variety of colors and patterns to products that perfectly mimic natural materials such as tile, stone, and wood, you’re sure to find a beautiful match to any decor. At the same time, you’ll be a product that’s easier and less time-consuming to care for than the "real thing", which gives you plenty of time to enjoy the more important things in life.

The perfect flooring for everyday wear

Luxury vinyl planks and tiles are perfect for many different spaces in your home. With a sturdy construction and protective wear layer, you’ll find fewer scuffs, dings, and scratches, while everyday wear is also much less noticeable. In foyers, living rooms, and hallways, this material bears the brunt of your traffic with little effect, offering warranties for 20 to 30-year lifespans with ease. In extra busy spaces, you can also make use of area rugs or runners that can catch and trap dirt and debris that would otherwise find its way onto your flooring where it can scratch and mar the surface over time. Call us today!

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Stop by our showroom

Your installers will make a quick and easy job of installing your luxury vinyl flooring. You won’t have to leave your home during the installation process and will be left with a beautiful new floor you can walk on right away. At WestBay Floor Source, we are happy to serve the communities of Westlake, Avon, Avon Lake, Bay Village, and Rocky River, OH. We offer an extensive line of floor coverings and related services with the intent of meeting our customer’s specific flooring needs. When you visit our Westlake, OH showroom, we’ll make every effort to assist you in your flooring project, from start to finish, with excellent satisfaction for you as our main goal. Be sure and stop in today to find out how we can help you get started.